~*~ Remedial Massage ~*~

The services available at Massage Break include:
Therapeutic Massage -Deep Tissue Massage -Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage- - Pregnancy Massage Top

For a copy of our pricelist, please click here.

Theraputic Massage - TOP
Massage is one of the oldest and simplest forms of medical care. Reference can be seen on the tomb walls in Egypt, read in the ancient Chinese and Indian manuscripts and used by Greek and Roman physicians. At the end of the 19th century a Swedish gymnast, Per Hendrik Ling, restored massage’s image throughout Europe. Physiotherapy was originally based on Ling’s methods and established in 1894 with the foundation in the UK of the Society of Trained Masseurs. Per Hendrik Ling’s “Swedish movement techniques” in massage are grounded in anatomy and are referred to today as “Swedish Massage”. By using a combination of gentle and vigorous hand movements, a massage therapist is able to stimulate all systems, to aid in the boosting of the immune system.

Deep Tissue Massage - TOP
A type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue or muscle layers. Its movements are similar to Swedish but deeper and slower. The aim of the massage is to release muscle tension and long term knots. This type of massage can be used for Chronic pain, Fibromyalgia/Chronic fatigue, Chronic muscle tension and spasm to name a few.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage - TOP
This type of massage is aimed at increasing the lymph flow through the lymphatic system.The movements are very slow and gentle. This allows the lymph to be stimulated and the removal of harmful substances from within the tissue walls to occur. This in turn increases the immune system. This type of massage can be used for: Oedema, sluggish system, weight loss, people with sports injuries and many more.

Pregnancy Massage - TOP
This massage is designed for women who want both to be pampered and alleviate any aches and pains due to pregnancy. The massage is performed on the side (lateral). Please ask you Doctor or Midwife for permission to receive this treatment.